Eurochlor and UOP Approved Valves

When it comes to innovative projects that require zero emissions for tomorrow's population, and that ensures today's workers and local communities remain safe, you’re kept on your toes. My name’s Kash Samra and I’m part of the Flint Hills sales team; a project that requires zero compromise.

It's exciting when a client like Flint Hills call, who constantly push the boundaries and expect the best. When we speak to them we know everything must be perfect, because if something goes wrong it not only affects their business, but places their employees and the local community at serious risk. At Blackhall we thrive under such situations, and I like to think it's why prestigious businesses like Flint Hills trust us with their hazardous chemical applications. Of course, this requires trust, and if you’d like to know how we build this further through new projects, watch the video below...

  • High Integrity Valve
  • Zero Emission Valve
  • Safe and Best in Class Valves
  • Award Winning Shaw Valves
  • Shaw Valves USA

Our Shaw Valves offer the safest solution for your hazardous chemical applications. To see how we achieve this..


Our Shaw product range

  • Accessible Bellows Sealed Valve
  • Bellows Sealed Valve
  • Shaw Valve

Accessible Bellows Sealed Valve...

We’ve developed our Eurochor Accessible Bellows Sealed Valve to allow full inspection of the bellows, hence making it far easier to maintain. Designed for a minimum life of at least 10,000 cycles at maximum conditions, we provide the ideal solution for your hazardous chemical needs.. For full specifications and details

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Our customers say

"Well, you proved proper monitoring and keeping the customer appraised made all the difference. Your standards should be benchmarked for all orders. Excellent customer service"


Bellows Sealed Valve...

Suitable for use with hazardous chemicals and chlorine, our standard Bellows Sealed valve is manufactured with a minimum three-ply construction from specified material. Designed for a minimum life of at least 10,000 cycles at maximum conditions, it provides excellent longevity at high quality. For full specifications and details…

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Packed Gland Valve...

The stem of our Packed Gland Valve is a one-piece, non-rotating design that substantially reduces wear of the gland packing. Suitable for hazardous chemicals and chlorine, we specify each design and specification to your exact applications, ensuring you get the valve you need. For full specifications and details…

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How we build continued trust with clients like Flint Hills

The experts behind this project

We’re proud to continue our work with Flint Hills and to forever push the boundaries, but we couldn’t do this without our expert team of engineers, designers, and more. I love working alongside people like PAUL WOOD and SIMON LOMAX, who manage the project and communicate with Flint Hills at all times. But it’s also dedication by our designers like AADIL RAFIQ who refuse to accept anything but our innovative best.

And of course, we can’t forget our numerous local suppliers and partners who help us ship the best valve each and every time. The way ED BURHOUSE co-ordinates them and finds the best manufacturers to work with makes my job in sales much easier.

I’m proud to be part of the Flint Hills team, surrounded by such talented colleagues.

  • Kash Samra
  • Paul Wood
  • Ed Burhouse
  • Aadil Rafiq
  • Simon Lomax

Kash Samra
External Sales Manager

My name is Kash Samra and I’m the external sales manager at Blackhall Engineering. I’ve been here since the year 2000, and I’m on the current sales team for the Flint Hills project.

Paul Wood
Sales Account Manger

My name’s Paul Wood, and I’m a sales account manager. My involvement in the Flint Hills job is for the latest project - acting as a key communicator in organising regular conference calls and providing up to date information.

Ed Burhouse
Supply Chain Manager

Hi my name’s Eddie Burhouse and I’m the Supply Chain Manager. I’ve been at Blackhall’s for three years, and my job on the Flint Hills project was to procure all the castings and the components.

Aadil Rafiq
Design Engineer

Hi my name’s Aadil and I work at Blackhall as a design engineer. I’ve been working for Blackhall Engineering for the last three years, and I’m currently working on a project for Flint Hills Resources. My role is to help develop and enhance the design of the Globe Valves, and to ensure their operating mechanics function properly and safely.

Simon Lomax
Planning Manager

Hi I’m Simon Lomax, the planning manager at Blackhall Engineering. I’ve co-ordinated the journey throughout its process.

We continue to build trust with Flint Hills through our attention to innovation and high quality. We're ready to achieve the same with you.

It’s time for you to get in touch so we can start your Ultimate Valve Experience...