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The success of Blackhall Engineering's Cryogenic Diverter Valves at the Edmonton Project

The success of Blackhall Engineering's
Cryogenic Diverter Valves at the
Edmonton Project

“The test of the machine is the satisfaction it gives you. There isn't any other test. If the machine produces tranquillity, it's right. If it disturbs you, it's wrong until either the machine or your mind is changed.” This quote is from a book I picked up many years ago now, that despite its initial rejection by a vast number publishers, has become the best-selling philosophy book in the USA of all time. A success story against the odds. I was far too young at the time to really understand what it was really all about, having been seduced by its title rather than its content, but over the years I have come to realise that the themes explored within it are very prescient today.

One of ideas that was explored that I do remember most clearly from my initial reading was the recounting of how the narrator’s friend chose to solve a problem with his BMW motorcycle. The handlebars had worked themselves loose in their risers, but because this was a prestigious new machine the owner had it in his head that he had to take the bike to a BMW specialist to have this simple issue fixed with ‘genuine’ parts. The narrator goes on to explain that his friend’s conception of what constituted a satisfactory repair was an idea that fitted neatly with his ‘romantic’ world view. The purely rational and practical solution could easily have been provided by the insertion of a thin metal shim made from an empty fizzy drink can, costing next to nothing, but this didn’t square with the friend’s mind-set. Basically, his idea of ‘quality’ had become skewed by a combination of effective marketing (not just by BMW) and something much deeper within most of us.

The idea of ‘quality’ is something that is chased down throughout the book. The narrator presents us with the idea that rational solutions conceived as irrefutable ‘truths’ may never be fully and universally applicable to every person's experience and that as a consequence many of us feel frustrated and ill at ease with the world in which we find ourselves. What is required is what the Greeks called arete – a welding together of the rational and the romantic to form a universal and more satisfying quality of life.

You may be thinking that this is a curious start to an article about Cryogenic Diverter Valves but I think here at Blackhall Engineering we have gone someway to resolving the romantic/classical dichotomy that is explored in the book. Through our steady pursuit, over the last fifty years of providing the world with components that by definition have to be of the highest quality, we have inadvertently created a belief that satisfies both the logical and emotional desires within us. Our valves have gone from being perceived as not only the logical solution for a given situation, but to the wished-for solution as well.

The Edmonton Project

A case in point is how we were selected to help provide a successful outcome to the Edmonton Project in Canada. Launched by an alliance of government, indigenous, academic and economic development leaders, it is on course to usher in a wave of clean energy jobs. It has plans for more than 25 projects related to the production, transportation and end use of hydrogen, along with carbon capture and storage. This ambitious project aims to put the Edmonton Region, Alberta, and Canada on a path to net-zero emissions and long-term economic competitiveness. A future is envisioned where buses, trains, heavy trucks, home heating and farm equipment all run on zero-emissions hydrogen fuel. This will play a significant role in driving Canada's energy transition, positioning the country as a global competitor in the production and export of low-carbon hydrogen.

So how did we become involved in this grand project? It wasn’t because we make valves, nor was it down to clever marketing. It was because of our track record, born out of an attitude that permeates all that we do. No shortcuts, no compromises, but a thrust toward providing the best that we can, and essentially being truthful in both thought and product.

We have come to understand that this is why our cryogenic valves are extensively used in the production, storage, and transportation of all cryogenic fluids. With their superior performance, durability, and versatility, these valves are perfectly suited to meet the demands of an ambitious venture like that taking place in Edmonton.

To achieve this reputation, they are subjected to very stringent testing in our clean room and testing facility, ensuring the highest standards of quality and performance. For those more classically minded out there the figures are as follows – our cryogenic diverter valves are available in various sizes, ranging from 1/2" to 8", DN15 to DN200. The materials used for their construction include bronze, stainless steel, monel, and aluminium. They boast a pressure rating from Class150 to 600, and PN16 to PN40/50. Featuring different end connections, including screwed, flanged, butt weld and socket weld they are designed to withstand temperatures ranging from -196'C to +65'C, making them ideal for all cryogenic applications.

Belief through demonstration

The Edmonton Project chose us because of its belief in us based upon the reliability, performance and sustainability of our valves, as demonstrated through their application throughout the world over the past five decades. Looking forward we are very pleased that they will play an integral role in the production and storage of gases in the low-temperature rectification process. It highlights the fact that our products are perceived to be a critical component in the success of the project and its vision for a cleaner energy future.

Beyond Edmonton

Our commitment to innovation, sustainability and customer satisfaction is at the core of our operations. It always has been. The company's selection for the Edmonton Project is a testament to our reputation and the trust that customers place in our products. So, as the world moves towards a low-carbon future to address climate change and the challenges we all face, our cryogenic diverter valves will be at the forefront, driving change and helping to create a sustainable and prosperous future. One that includes humility, modesty, attentiveness and that accepts that quality is a result of embracing two essential ideals – the practical and the romantic. Oh yes, that book, first published in 1974, was by Robert M. Pirsig, entitled Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values.

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