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Solidarity in the face of Adversity


solidarity There is no denying that the last couple of months have been strange and challenging. Nevertheless, we are gradually adapting and stabilising in response to the current pandemic.

We would like to thank those who continue to support us during uncertain times; this includes employees, supply chain and customers, without whom Blackhall would not have overcome these adverse circumstances.

It is thanks to our employees prompt adaptation and understanding that we have been able to adjust ourselves as a company. As many employees are working from home as is possible. Some workers have been put on furlough. And as for those of us still in-office and working in the factory, safety precautions have been recognised and adhered to so that we can protect not only ourselves but those around us.

Thanks to our UK supply chain who have also adapted to trying conditions in order to guarantee a stable flow of resources. It is in times like these that we are proud and relieved to have local suppliers.

And last but not least, a huge thank you goes to our customers who have given us the support we needed to carry on. At first glance, some might be inclined to question how critical we are as a business, but on receiving a number of letters which outline the necessity of our services from customers who supply essential goods, including; oxygen tanks, water, hand sanitiser, PPE and hospital products, Blackhall has been able to keep its doors open, albeit ajar. This continued support goes beyond assurance, with loyal partners in the utility sector setting up rapid payment plans in order to help Blackhall weather this unruly storm.

It becomes increasingly apparent just how important we all are to one another, and here at Blackhall we feel humbled by the solidarity shown by everyone and aspire to reciprocate that support.

Once again, many thanks and stay safe.

The Blackhall Team

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